
来源: 时间:2019-12-16
<p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">重庆万盛网红景区梦幻奥陶纪主题公园在旅游市场开挂奔跑。继重庆奥陶纪之后,近日,国内第二个以高空、悬崖、娱乐、体验、刺激为关键词的体验式旅游景区——浙江衢州奥陶纪正式破土动工建设。重庆奥陶纪旅业有限公司将投资36亿巨资,二年内为华东地区的游客带来一个全新升级版奥陶纪。</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576726739.jpg" title="1576726739.jpg" alt="31.jpg"/></p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">图/赵晗</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">在国内旅游市场竞争激烈的今天,奥陶纪缘何能成为网红?本文为你打开网红景区奥陶纪的神秘魔方。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;"><strong>一个观光型景区</strong></p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">4年前,提起奥陶纪,几乎无人知晓。这个“寄生”在万盛黑山谷景区之巅的“园中园”,开园之初与黑山谷、峨眉山、华山等国内以自然观光的景区一样,以景观游览为主,临崖而建的景区,游客漫步其中,会有一种“会当临绝顶,一览众山小”的豪迈感觉。景区持有者的初衷是借助黑山谷的知名度,为奥陶纪带流量,同时销售景区依山而建,夏日倍感凉爽的度假物业。然而,度假物业倒是很快销售一空,但投入巨资兴建的奥陶纪景区却与黑山谷景区一样,一直不愠不火。</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576726777.jpg" title="1576726777.jpg" alt="32.jpg"/></p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">图/赵晗</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">景区不愠不火,究其原因主要有二点:一是景区开园时间不长,仅一年时间,游客知晓度不高。景区本身所处的黑山谷大景区虽然有一定知名度,但与重庆主城歌乐山、南山等景区相比,游客更愿意市区游。二是与同样距城市中心有距离,国内著名的华山、峨眉山自然观光景区相比,黑山谷的险峻程度差了一大截,游客到此,虽心生豪迈,却无法感受华山一样的惊险刺激,峨眉山一样的气势恢宏。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">当时的黑山谷、奥陶纪与国内大多数非著名自然风光景区一样,缺少一个让游客非去不可的理由。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">黑山谷是国有景区,可以财政养着。但作为民营景区的奥陶纪不行,庞大的景区维护费用如果游客一直上不去,最终面临的结局可想而知。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;"><strong>一个悬崖高空项目最多的体验式景区</strong></p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">大自然馈赠的遗产不能就这样沉寂深山。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">既然缺少一个让游客非去不可的理由,那就创造让游客来的理由。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">唐楠,奥陶纪旅业第二代实际控制人,这位重庆大学房产学院MBA毕业的年轻人深谙游客消费心理,也深知随着中国经济在国际地位的提高,国民收入的增加,旅游市场必将越来越庞大。他与董事会成员一起,开始对景区实施改变,从游客体验的角度,展开对景区手术式的动刀。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">一个景区要做到火爆,不是去了就后悔,而是来了还想来。要做到这一点,你就得有你独有的,吸引游客的亮点。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">改变就此开始。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">2017年,全世界最长的悬空玻璃长廊,呈“A”字型向悬崖之外延伸,单边长度近70米,总长超过140米的天空悬廊在奥陶纪诞生,并获得吉尼斯世界纪录认证。这一世界第一悬空玻璃长廊一经开放,立即便引来全世界游客的关注目光。奥陶纪借助天空悬廊一炮走红,打响了知名度,游客开始向这个黑山谷之巅的“园中园”聚集。</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576726897.jpg" title="1576726897.jpg" alt="33.jpg"/></p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">图/赵晗</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">但奥陶纪管理者深知,游客都有喜新厌旧的心理,仅凭景区一个亮点,是无法长时间留住游客,甚至让游客来了还想再来的。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">借势天空悬廊,依托景区得天独厚的悬崖资源,再建一个、二个、甚至N个高空项目。在奥陶纪旅业公司强大的经济实力支撑下,景区悬崖秋千、步步惊心、极限飞跃、步步惊魂、玻璃吊桥、丛林穿越等一个个高空项目开始开挂建设并投入运营。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">奥陶纪,用三年时间快速建成了多达50项的悬崖高空游乐项目。同时还配套建设了儿童游玩的冰雪世界等项目。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">如果仅是高空游乐项目,迪士尼有,欢乐谷也有。但是建在悬崖边上,数量最多的高空游乐项目景区,奥陶纪是惟一,目前国内没有任何一个景区可以超越。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;"><strong>一个运用互联网营销的智慧景区</strong></p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">5年前,中国互联网开始高速发展,电脑、智能手机的普及让传统媒体被网络媒体取代,读者获取信息的渠道不再是传统的报纸和电视,而是利用办公室电脑、随身携带的手机,在乘车、吃饭、甚至是上卫生间的碎片时间,随时随地获取信息。信息传播的速度也随之加快。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">深谙互联网营销规律的奥陶纪生逢其时。运用全国网联百家新闻网站平台对景区信息进行全面推广,腾讯微信朋友圈进行全面曝光,抖音短视频进行全面传播。一切可以利用的互联网平台资源,均为其所用。打开互联网,输入奥陶纪,百度收录高达450万条之巨。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">奥陶纪,凭借高空项目最多的悬崖景区、世界第一天空悬廊等关键词,一时间爆红网络,引起全世界目光关注,不断地刺激着全世界青年男女游客内在的荷尔蒙。</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576726917.jpg" title="1576726917.jpg" alt="34.jpg"/></p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">图/赵晗</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">奥陶纪,站在互联网的风口,让景区飞了起来。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">英国、俄罗斯、韩国、日本等10余个国家的游客纷纷来到中国重庆万盛奥陶纪打卡旅游,甚至一些国外航空公司的空姐落地重庆时,都不忘去奥陶纪荡荡悬崖秋千,坐坐跳崖机。国内及市内的游客更是蜂拥而至。奥陶纪成为网红景区的同时,也成为制造网红的旅游景区,不少游客在奥陶纪游玩的短视频,浏览量少则几万几十万,最高浏览量甚至达到二三千万之巨。去奥陶纪,拍个抖音视频,赚取粉丝成了不少小姐姐去奥陶纪的理由。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">据景区统计,每年到奥陶纪游玩的全世界游客近200万人,奥陶纪每年实现营收3亿多元,成为重庆“最赚钱”景区,风头盖过重庆一大波5A景区。节假日,奥陶纪景区游客时常达到最大流量而不得不限制游客入园。景区不少网红高空项目如21米悬崖秋千排队等待时间时常达到一二小时之久。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">如何合理引导巨大的游客量,使其对奥陶纪的美誉度不断增加,好感度不断上升,并形成二次、三次、甚至N次传播?为此,奥陶纪开始推出二日游并引入景区智慧管理系统,将互联网营销与管理进行有效结合,从游客进园开始,便对游客的流量及流向进行适时监控。在节假日景区游客高峰期,游客通过景区互联网智慧管理系统,可清楚知道哪些项目游客量大及等待的时长。游客可根据自己在景区的浏览线路,合理安排游玩时间及项目,做到轻松游玩,快乐体验。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">自此,奥陶纪从建园之初的纯观光景区蝶变成为一个运用互联网营销管理,全球悬崖高空项目最多的互动体验式智慧景区。游客到重庆万盛,提到更多的是去奥陶纪,而不再是黑山谷,这个曾经寄生的景区成功逆袭。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">二年后,在杭州亚运会召开之际,国内第二个升级版浙江奥陶纪,将呈现在世人眼前。有了重庆奥陶纪的成功运营经验,浙江奥陶纪再次刷屏网络,似无悬念。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">敬请期待。</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Open the Mysterious Magic Box of the Internet-famous Ordovician Scenic Spot</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">The Internet-famous scenic spot Ordovician theme park in Wansheng,Chongqing is running in the tourism market. Recently, the second experiential tourist attraction in China with the key words of high altitude, cliff, entertainment, experience and stimulation, officially started the construction of Ordovician scenic spot in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province following Chongqing. Chongqing Ordovician Tourism Co., Ltd. will invest 3.6 billion yuan to bring a new upgraded version of Ordovician to tourists in East China within two years.</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576726951.jpg" title="1576726951.jpg" alt="31.jpg"/></p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">photo /Zhao Han</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">How could the Ordovician Scenic Spot become so popular in today&#39;s fierce competition in the domestic tourism market? This report will open the mysterious magic cube of Ordovician scenic spot.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;"><strong>A Sightseeing Tourism Spot</strong></p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Four years ago, few people knew about the Ordovician. This &quot;parasitism&quot; is located in the &quot;garden of the garden&quot; at the top of the scenic area of the Black Valley in Wansheng. At the beginning of the garden opening, it is the same as the domestic scenic areas with natural sightseeing, such as the Black Valley, Emei Mountain and Huashan. The scenic area is mainly built on the side of cliff,making the tourists have a kind of heroic feeling of &quot;being near the top and seeing the small mountains&quot;. The original intention of the holders of the scenic spot is to use the popularity of the Black Valley for the flow of the Ordovician belt, and to sell the resort property built on the mountain and cool in summer. However, the resort property was sold out quickly, but the Ordovician scenic spot invested in the construction of a huge amount of money, like the Black Valley Scenic Area, has been not hot.</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576727013.jpg" title="1576727013.jpg" alt="32.jpg"/></p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">photo / Zhao Han</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">There are two main reasons why the scenic spot is not hot: first, the scenic spot has not been open for a long time, and the tourists do not know it well only one year. Although the Black valley scenic area itself is well-known, compared with the scenic spots of Geleshan and Nanshan in the main district of Chongqing, tourists prefer to travel in the city. Second, compared with the famous Huashan Mountain and Emei Mountain natural sightseeing scenic spot, the precipitous degree of the Black Valley is far worse. Although tourists feel bold and heroic here, they can&#39;t feel the thrill and excitement of Huashan Mountain and the grandeur of Emei Mountain.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">At that time, the Black Valley and Ordovician scenic spot, like most non famous scenic spots in China, lacked a reason for tourists to go.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">The Black Valley is a state-owned scenic spot, which can be maintained financially. However, as a private scenic spot, the Ordovician final outcome can be imagined if the tourists do not go up all the time.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;"><strong>An Experiential Scenic Spot with the Most Cliff High Altitude Items</strong></p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">The legacy of nature cannot be so silent.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Since there is no reason for tourists to go, create a reason for tourists to come.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Tang Nan, the second generation actual controller of Ordovician tourism, is a young man who graduated from Chongqing University&#39;s real estate college with an MBA and is familiar with the consumer psychology of tourists. He also knows that with the improvement of China&#39;s economic position in the world and the increase of national income, the tourism market will become larger and larger. Together with the members of the board of directors, he began to implement changes in the scenic area, starting from the perspective of tourists&#39; experience, to operate on the scenic area.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">A popular scenic spot is not regret when you go, but want to come again. To do this, you have to have your own unique characteristics .</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576727029.jpg" title="1576727029.jpg" alt="33.jpg"/></p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">photo /Zhao Han</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Changes began from then.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">In 2017, the world&#39;s longest hanging glass gallery, extending beyond the cliff in the shape of &quot;A&quot;, was born in the Ordovician with a single side length of nearly 70 meters and a total length of more than 140 meters, and obtained Guinness world record certification. Once the world&#39;s first suspended glass corridor opened, it immediately attracted the attention of tourists all over the world. With the help of sky corridor, the Ordovician became famous, and tourists began to gather at the &quot;garden of the garden&quot; at the top of the black valley.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">But the Ordovician managers know that tourists have the psychology of being happy with the new and tired of the old. Only one bright spot in the scenic spot can not keep tourists for a long time, or even make them want to come again.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Taking advantage of the sky corridor and relying on the unique cliff resources of the scenic area, more and more high-altitude items will be built. Supported by the strong economic strength of Ordovician tourism company, many high-altitude items in the scenic area, such as cliff swing, step-by-step thrill, extreme leap, step-by-step alarm, glass suspension bridge, jungle crossing and so on have been put into operation.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">In the Ordovician, as many as 50 cliff high-altitude amusement items were built in three years. At the same time, the item of ice and snow world for children&#39;s play has also been built.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">If there are just high-altitude items, Disney and Happy Valley also have those. But the Ordovician is the only scenic spot built on the edge of cliffs and owned the highest number of high-altitude amusement items. At present, no other scenic spot in China can surpass.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;"><strong>A Smart Scenic Spot by Internet Marketing</strong></p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Five years ago, China&#39;s Internet began to develop at a high speed. The popularity of computers and smart phones made the traditional media replaced by Internet media. Instead of traditional newspapers and televisions, readers can get information anytime, anywhere by using office computers and mobile phones that they use with them in their cars, meals and even in the bathroom. The speed of information dissemination was also accelerated.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">The Ordovician, which is familiar with the laws of Internet marketing, is born at the right time. The scenic spot information is comprehensively promoted by using more than 100 news website platforms directed by National Network Media Alliance, WeChat friend circle is fully exposed, and the short video is fully disseminated. All available Internet platform resources are used by Ordovician. If you open the Internet, and input the word “奥陶纪”, Baidu included up to 4.5 million entries.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">With the key words of cliff scenic spot with the most high-altitude items and the world&#39;s first sky corridor, Ordovician became popular on the Internet for a while, which attracted the attention of the whole world and constantly stimulated the Internal hormones of young male and female tourists all over the world.</p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;"><img src="http://w010wcq.com.cn /uploads/ueditor/image/20191219/1576727050.jpg" title="1576727050.jpg" alt="34.jpg"/></p><p style="text-indent: 0em; white-space: normal; line-height: 2em; text-align: center;">Photo/ Zhao Han</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Ordovician scenic spot let itself fly by taking advantage of the Internet.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Tourists from more than 10 countries, such as Britain, Russia, South Korea and Japan, traveled to China&#39;s Chongqing Wansheng Ordovician scenic spot. Some flight attendants of foreign airlines landed in Chongqing, they did not forget to swing on the Ordovician cliff and ride on the cliff skipper. Domestic and city tourists are flocking. At the same time, the Ordovician has become a tourist attraction for making the Internet famous. Many short videos of tourists playing in the Ordovician are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, and the maximum number of visitors is even as large as twenty-three million. Take a video and increase fans have become the reasons for a lot of girls to the Ordovician.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">According to the statistics of the scenic spot, nearly 2 million tourists from all over the world come to visit the Ordovician every year. The annual revenue of the Ordovician is more than 300 million yuan, making it the &quot;most profitable&quot; scenic spot in Chongqing, which is ahead of a wave of 5A scenic spots in Chongqing. During holidays, tourists in the Ordovician scenic area often reach the maximum flow and have to be restricted from entering the park. Many high-altitude items in the scenic spot, such as the 21 meter cliff swing, often take as long as one or two hours to wait in line.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">How to reasonably direct the huge number of tourists, so that their reputation for the Ordovician continues to increase and form a second, third, or even N times of communication? For this reason,the Ordovician began to launch a two-day tour and introduce the scenic area intelligent management system, which effectively combines Internet marketing and management. From the beginning of tourists entering the park, it will timely monitor the flow and direction of tourists. During the peak period of tourists in holiday scenic spots, tourists can clearly know which items have a large number of tourists and the waiting time through the internet intelligent management system of scenic spots. Tourists can arrange the time and items reasonably according to their browsing route in the scenic spot, so as to have a relaxed and happy experience.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Since then, the Ordovician has become an interactive and experiential intelligent scenic spot with internet marketing management and the most cliff high-altitude items in the world. When tourists come to Wansheng, Chongqing, they are more about going to the Ordovician than the Black Valley. This once parasitic scenic spot has been successfully attacked.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Two years later, at the time of the Asian Games in Hangzhou, the second upgraded version of Zhejiang Ordovician will appear in front of the world. With the successful operation experience of Chongqing Ordovician, Zhejiang Ordovician will swipe the screen networkonce again,which seems to have no suspense.</p><p style="white-space: normal; text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;">Please look forward to !(Translated by Zhao Han)</p><p style="white-space: normal;"><br/></p><p style="white-space: normal;"><br/></p><p style="white-space: normal;"><br/></p><p style="white-space: normal;"><br/></p><p style="white-space: normal;"><br/></p><p style="white-space: normal;"><br/></p><p style="text-indent: 2em; line-height: 2em;"><br/></p>

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